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Are you ready for 2023 Tax Season?

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In this video, I'll explain how real estate investments can offer several tax benefits πŸ€—πŸ’°πŸ’° that can help you reduce the overall cost of ownership and potentially πŸ“ˆπŸ’΅ increase returns. If you like these quick updates on the market every day, then subscribe below. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter at

You have to plan for and take action πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ now to take advantage of these. You can't wait till the year's over. πŸ‘‰ Deduction of mortgage interest. Maybe there's one benefit of higher πŸ“ˆ interest rates right now, but that is a good πŸ‘Œ benefit. Depreciation deduction. So unlike your personal residence, you can take a deduction πŸ“‰ for investment in real estate 🏘.

This is typically the biggest tax advantage of real estate. Capital gains tax exclusion. So if a property is held from more than one year, then the gains πŸ“ˆ are taxes capital gains, which are typically lower πŸ“‰ than your regular income rate and a 10 31 exchange. So a 10 31 exchange allows real estate πŸ‘‰ investors to defer paying taxes on the sale of a property by using the proceeds to purchase a similar property.

Take advantage of these 2023.