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Jan. 23, 2023

Opportunities in Mobile Homes and RV Campgrounds Asset Class

Opportunities in Mobile Homes and RV Campgrounds Asset Class

In today’s podcast episode we interview Dylan Marma, Founder and  CEO of Requity Group. The Requity Group is a vertically integrated private equity real estate investing company. Its primary purpose is to create reliable returns, backed by simple deal structures and transparent reporting. Today’s topics are focused on the mobile homes and RV campgrounds asset class, the advantages, market status, and opportunities offered in these completely different asset classes than multifamily.

Mobile Homes Vs. RV Campgrounds

According to Dylan, opportunities in real estate can be found in different asset classes only if you have done your due diligence and you have the ability to pivot to adapt to the current environment that you are in i.e. the flexibility to change. Described below are the major differences between Mobile Homes and RV Campgrounds.



  • Mobile Homes - is a prefabricated structure, built in a factory on a permanently attached chassis before being transported to site (either by being towed or on a trailer). Used as permanent homes, or for holiday or temporary accommodation, they are often left permanently or semi-permanently in one place, but can be moved, and may be required to move from time to time for legal reasons. (Source:




  • RV Campgrounds - is a place where people with recreational vehicles can stay overnight, or longer, in allocated spaces known as "sites" or "campsites". They are also referred to as campgrounds, though a true campground also provides facilities for tent camping; many facilities calling themselves "RV parks' ' also offer tent camping or cabins with limited facilities. (Source:


State of the Mobile Home and RV Campground Markets

As Dylan discussed in the podcast, the mobile home and RV lags behind the common real estate assets such as multifamily because most of these assets are owned by mom and pops.

Therefore, there is an entry barrier that one may have in these asset classes.  The current state of the mobile homes market is competitive with the prices soaring as 30% for mobile homes. For RV campgrounds, it is less competitive because only a few people truly understand how to operate them and it really takes time to learn the ropes which serves like an entry barrier for investors.

The Low-Risk Asset Class: Mobile Homes

Dylan considers the mobile homes; asset class low risk. Here are the reasons why:

  1. You are in the land lease business and you have zero operational liability on the maintenance of these properties since they are considered tenant owned.
  2. It is very expensive to be able to move mobile homes to another location. Thereby increasing the tenant occupancy rates.
  3. Land lease costs significantly less than apartment rents.
  4. Based on Dylan’s experience, collection losses due to non-payment is about 1% to 2% range only.
  5. Average length of stay for these homes is around 15 - 20 years based on Dylan’s data.

Who is Dylan Marma?

Founder & CEO of The Requity Group, a vertically integrated real estate private equity company. They source and operate large manufactured home communities, RV & Cabin Campgrounds, and multifamily apartments that have in place cash flow and upside we can realize through active management.

Dylan has been investing in commercial real estate for 7 years and has completed over 2,000 units and $100M+ in acquisitions on the owner/operator side through a combination of direct ownership, funds, and syndications.